
The Wolf brewed for Qbeer

For the second time, Qbeer has invited their Qbeer community to vote for a recipe and thus create their own beer. On April 13th the two beers were served at the Dr. Brauwolf brewery. We were there and asked the wolf Stefan and Miss Qbeer Eva a few questions.

Can Switzerland handle 1000 breweries?

«Switzerland, a land of brewers» was the title of an article in the Swiss-German newspaper “Der Bund”. The article was built around the fact that by now more than 1000 breweries are registered at the Swiss customs authority. As in pretty much every newspaper article about this topic it also mentioned that this number means Switzerland has the highest brewery density per capita in the world. Considering each and every person in Switzerland “only” drinks 54 liters of beer a year, this sounds like an awful lot if not too many breweries.