
Category: Breweries

Why does a doctor, a teacher an engineer or a biochemist become a brewer? What’s so fascinating about craft beer? Read about the faces and breweries behind your favorite craft beer in the breweries and brewers portraits. Here you’ll find in-depth interviews with well-known and unknown faces of the brewing scene, completed with the most important info on selected breweries.

Bierversuche.ch is a craft beer online magazine and blog. We report about craft beer tastings. We write about beer awards. And we provide background information about the craft beer market and the (Swiss) craft beer scene.

Portrait: Bachweg Brewing

Inspired by the beers of their homeland, the craft beer enthusiasts at Bachweg Brewery brewed their first batch in 2013. Since 2015, they’ve been doing it under the name Bachweg Brewing. Read what some of the names mean, who the six owners are, and why a barn is featured on the labels.

Interview with Jeff Bagby of Bagby Beer Company

Before the hype, before the trend, before all of that, there was craft beer. In this interview Jeff Bagby, owner and brewer at Bagby Beer Co., pulls you away from all that hype and reminds you that craft beer is a craft with dedicated people who have a passion forged in history. In this wide ranging interview, you’ll get to read about small beers, a westcoast point of view on eastcoast IPAs and running a company.

Interview with Fredrik Ek of Brekeriet

Brekeriet is everywhere. Literally. They must be among the most busy when it comes to participating at festivals and other events. Ironically this interview was done via Skype, but it included a tour through the new brewery location, which includes a designated sour room and a lot of space for more barrels, fermenters, and a foosball table. Read what the three brothers have been up to and how an infection got them here.

Interview with Van Havig of Gigantic Brewing Company

Some things just take longer: Interviews last longer than expected. Transcribing the interview takes longer than hoped. The duration of both was, let’s say of gigantic proportions, thus somewhat fitting for an interview with Van Havig of the Gigantic Brewing Company in Portland, Oregon. The interview took place a few months ago, but don’t panic, we have put updates where updates were applicable. The interview also went on for about an hour. As Van had a lot of very interesting things to say, we did not radically shorten it. Thus, this might take a bit longer to read. So, get a beer, sit down, let’s go.